A company dedicated to bringing the cinematic experience to the stage.


Support RhP

In the beginning, there was Point Break, Live! Then came Multi-media MacBeth, Predator: the Musical, all female Reservoir Dogs...

We're kickin' ass! You should too. If you would like to invest in the future of Roundhouse Productions; or, if you'd like to help us out with your talents, please email us now. Be the first to tell your friends you supported Roundhouse!

Roundhouse Productions is flyin'! and changing the way Chicago makes entertainment. RhP action-packed performances are engaging new and wider demographics, drawing in audiences who otherwise wouldn't be caught dead in a theater. Our unpretentious approach is already packing houses, too. This a true testament to our ability to put on shows people not only want to see, but also tell their friends about!

Making all this bad-assery ain't easy though. It takes dedicated artists to design jaw-dropping sets, costumes (did you see our Predator?!), props, original adaptations and soundtracks (we aint got time to bleed), lights, sound, video - everything that sets us apart from the fray. Roundhouse is committed to paying these artists for their invaluable contributions; but add to that the cost of renting a theater, printing programs, purchasing rights, stocking concessions, and countless unexpected expenses...well, let's just say "it aint cheap!" So far our hard work has successfully funded our enormous productions through the fundraising site Kickstarter.com, but believe it or not this doesn't come close to covering our expenses. That's why we need you.

If you believe in supporting committed artists who are willing and able to go the extra mile in delivering the highest quality entertainment Chicago has to offer (that won't break your bank to see it!) then we want to hear from you. $how us your love, baby! you won't regret it ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there

    My name is Adam Fox, producer of Bad Dog Productions. I am writing in regards to your previous production of Reserved Dogs.

    I too am in the midst of producing this staged adaption of the film.

    I am just interested to know if you had any issues with rights and if so who publishes them?

    Please email baddogproductions@outlook.com and I really appreciate your help.

    Many thanks

    Adam Fox
